How do I repair a damaged MySQL table, rebuild index or prepare for backup ?

It is always worth trying a repair of MySQL tables before backing them up to shrink the files-sizes and check for inconsistencies in the indices...

from the SSH prompt, change directory to the location of the database
(usually /var/lib/mysql/databaseName)
and execute the MySQL ISAM Check command:
myisamchk -r *.MYI

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How to Backup your MySQL DB databases

Backup command for mysql databases For those looking to get a regular backup of your MySQL...

How do I create a MySQL database in Cpanel ?

MySQL databases can be created through the cpanel control panel: Login to your control panel...

How do I create a MySQL database in Plesk ?

MySQL databases can be created through the plesk control panel: Login to your control panel...

How do I create a MySQL Database in the Ensim control panel ?

To add a database (subject to hosting plan resources available) through your Ensim control panel:...

How do I move a MySQL Database from one host to another using phpMyAdmin ? Backup and Restore using phpMyAdmin.

How to Backup and Restore your MySQL Database using phpMyAdmin The following are the steps to...

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